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Mindblowing Story

There were two friends in one village. One is the age of 6, the other is 9 years old. One day, the 9-year-old friend fell into the water while the two friends came together to bathe together. Seeing that the friend is drowning, a 6-year-old friend threw the rickety bucket beside him immediately into the water. After that, the 9-year-old friend caught up. The 6-year-old boy pulled his friend to the top with his utmost force.

When they came home they did not believe anyone told the incident. The 9-year-old friend does not have the ability to pull alone the weight of a 6-year-old child. So nobody believed them.

There was a wise man in that village. Everyone respected the man. This man, but he believed in both of the children. Such a wise man believed the word, then everyone thought that there was no problem in it. The people of the village went to the man and said, sir, tell me a little, what happened? The wise man said - what should I say? The children are not saying? It happened as they said. What else will happen?

Some people still disbelieve the wise man. Some people said, explain to you how the 6-year-old boy pulled the 9-year-old child from the water? Is it possible?

The wise man said - it is possible. Because when the child was doing this work, there was nobody around him, to remind him that "this is not possible by you". ... most of the people's life energy comes to an end, just listen to neighbors' negatives. Notice, when you are going to do a good job, many people will get discouraged and united. You must hear at least a hundred times at the beginning of a job that you can not do it, not by yourself, it is not possible by you, it is very difficult, it is very impossible, it does not happen etc .. As a result, the amount of excitement that you wanted to start with was 2/3 of the end. It is very important to remember that when someone says that you can not do it. Then he actually represents his own abilities. He could never do the job because he believed that you can not.

If you want to do something really good, you have the ability to ignore such people. It's very important. As soon as you are able to ignore these negative thoughts people are so sure of your success

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