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Capsule Composition Part Three

Capsule Composition Part Three

1. Science in everyday life. 2.The wonders of modern science. 3.Computer. 4.Television. 5.E-mail. 6.Fax. 7.Satellite channels. 8.Uses and abuses of satellite TV channels. 9.Mobile phone. 10.Internet. 11.Facebook. 12.Telephone. 13.Telegram. 14.Telex. 15.Cyber café. 16.Wireless. 17.Advertisement. 18.Uses and abuses of science and technology. 

Introduction: It is needless to speak that modern age is an age of science and technology. Science has changed our life. It has made our life easier and more comfortable. There is nothing in our life that is not influenced by the touch of science. Once a time where man didn’t want to go on foot, there today, motor vehicles are available. Modern science has invented a lot of wonderful and useful things. Wherever we turn our eyes, we can see the contribution of modern science. The inventions of science have conquered diseases, natural disaster, space, especially distance and time.

Importance of science: We cannot go a single day without it. The modern world is blind without science. We cannot think of our existence without electricity, computer, satellite TV channels, mobile, electric fans, air-conditioner, refrigerator and other many things which are the gift of science. Where used: ……………. services us in many ways. It is also helping us in our day to day life by giving various kinds of information. It is widely used in the field of educational institutions, banks, companies, administration, transportation, communication. More details of the use/benefits of …………….re given below.

Merits: The utilities of …………. cannot be described in words. It is one of the most powerful and useful thing of the present world. With the help of ……………. we can make impossible to possible. It is a great hope to the millions of people of under developed countries of the world.

Demerits: We know that there are two sites of a coin. Everything is like a coin. One part is not same to another. ……………….is not exception to this. It has also some demerits. Some dishonest people use its facilities for the purpose of earning money by adopting unfair means. The criminals also abuse of it for performing their dangerous crime.

Conclusion: Above all, it can be said that in spite of having some demerits………….. is undoubtedly beneficial to us. We should remember that the blessing of ……………. should be used in the right way for the benefit and interest of mankind.

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